Website of JCristobal

Foto de JCRistobal

About me

I graduated in Degree of Computer Science in ETSIIT, Granada. In 2016 I graduated in Advanced Degree in Computer Science (Máster en Ingeniería Informática) in Escuela Internacional de Posgrado .

Since 2017 working in Everis as a programmer.

I mainly like FrontEnd, BackEnd, mobile design and data mining although I like learning about all kinds of technologies.

My personal proyects

You can see them in my GitHub account , but some of them:

Foto de TweetPosition

TweetPosicion : application to associate Twitter with Google Maps: you can tweet your actual position. [Click here to see the web version]

Foto de BackendSI2-IV

Collaborator in the proyect BackendSI2-IV Backend of instant Messaging Service Oriented A Business

Foto de GloveFrontEnd

Collaborator in the prototype of the "Intelligent glove" GloveFrontEnd ussing Arduino and XBee

Foto de learnUSAstates

learnUSAstates App to learn the different states of United States: web and Android version [Click here to see the web version]

Foto de PostItApp

PostItApp Android app to create "post it" in the desk of the mobile

Foto de BibliometricAnalyzer

BibliometricAnalyzer Web Tool to the bibliometric analysis of authors and topics automatically extracted from the databases Scopus and Google Scholar [Click here to see the reduced version]

Foto de mi miniBLIP

Some little proyects and examples of the Prototyping Board miniBLIP .

Logo de SWGPU

SWGPU : GPU Web Service: calls using CUDA computing services to optimize a genetic algorithm using Rastrigin and Ackley evaluation functions. Demo video

As you can see, it comes down to this:

... When my degree let me I will mention all of them.


Concurso Universitario de Software Libre 2014-2015 of UGR

Hackathón hack-miniblip of the Prototyping Board miniBLIP - December 2015

Concurso Universitario de Software Libre 2015-2016 of UGR